Camp Welcome 2017
- Camp Welcome is being held from October 6-8, 2017 at the Mulhurst Lutheran Church Camp, about one hour southwest of Edmonton on Pigeon Lake.
- See the list on the right for stuff to bring.
- Click here to download a map to the site.
- Check out the Photo Gallery from Camp Welcome 2016

What to Bring
- Uniform (shirt, scarf, hat)
- 2 extra changes of clothes (long sleeve shirts, pants, underwear)
- Warm sweater
- Sweats or pyjamas
- Extra pair of warm socks
- Gloves, hat, scarf
- Warm winter jacket
- Waterproof rain coat or poncho
- Scout knife (scouts/venturers only)
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb)
- Appropriate outdoor runners
- Face towel
- Flashlight
- Medications
- Sleeping bag or two blankets
- Foam pad (optional)
- non-disposable “mess kit”: plastic or metal plate, cup, bowl, fork, spoon, knife