Personal growth comes through learning. The Scouting program uses a framework called SPICES to help youth develop into well-rounded individuals.
Through participation in Scouting Adventures, youth begin to understand how they depend on others, and how others depend on them. Scouting Adventures allow them to be part of a diverse group and develop cooperation and leadership skills. | |
Scouting Adventures provide many opportunities for youth to be responsible for the care and wellbeing of their bodies. | |
Through Scouting Adventures, youth have opportunities to develop in their ability to think, to plan, to innovate and to use information in an original way to adapt to new situations. | |
Scouting Adventures guide youth to take responsibility for themselves while still respecting the needs of others, helping them to create a lifelong personal values system. | |
Through Scouting Adventures, youth members are given opportunities to recognize and respect their own feelings and to learn to express them in a healthy manner while respecting the feelings of others. | |
In the midst of Scouting Adventures, youth members have experiences in which they recognize that they are part of a larger spiritual reality and learn to respect the spiritual choices of others. |